Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyers

If your doctor misdiagnosed your cancer symptoms, do not hesitate to contact Cancer Settlement for legal representation. You might be entitled to financial compensation for the medical bills and complications you face due to your doctor’s negligence.

Medical providers misdiagnose cancer often. That’s because some cancers, especially in the beginning stages, mimic the symptoms of other illnesses and ailments. Unfortunately, misdiagnosing a disease as serious as cancer can have fatal consequences. It’s vital for healthcare professionals to perform thorough screenings and evaluations when diagnosing a patient’s medical condition.

At Cancer Settlement, our cancer misdiagnosis lawyers understand the devastation of discovering you didn’t receive a proper diagnosis. Cancer requires prompt and appropriate treatment to manage symptoms and prevent complications. Your doctor failed to provide the standard of care you deserve and should be liable for their actions. We could represent you in your case and seek the maximum compensation available.

Call Cancer Settlement for your free case evaluation at 800-900-7704 today. Let us fight for the justice you deserve.

Most Common Types of Misdiagnosed Cancer

Medical providers can misdiagnose any injury or disease. However, cancer is commonly misdiagnosed. Additionally, doctors frequently misdiagnose specific types of cancer because they associate certain symptoms with other conditions. Rare cancers might not even be on the physician’s radar, causing them to diagnose a different disease altogether.

The most misdiagnosed forms of cancer include:

  • Colorectal cancer
  • Lymphoma
  • Mesothelioma
  • Prostate cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Melanoma and other skin cancers
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Liver cancer

You are your own best advocate. You know your body better than anyone else, and you must speak up for yourself if you’re experiencing unusual symptoms. If you don’t think your diagnosis is correct, it’s crucial to seek a second opinion. Many people live full lives despite having cancer. Don’t be afraid to demand adequate medical care. Your future depends on it.

Common Reasons for Misdiagnosing Cancer

 Although doctors have the experience and knowledge necessary to provide a proper diagnosis of cancer, they can make mistakes that result in a misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis. Failing to diagnose cancer in its early stages could result in an unfortunate prognosis. Some patients suffer significantly while undergoing chemotherapy, surgery, and other forms of treatment. Others don’t qualify for these treatments due to the aggressive nature of the type of cancer they have.

Even the slightest delay can negatively affect a patient’s health and future. Medical providers should be financially responsible for the resulting medical care, lost wages, and other expenses that you incur because of their delayed or missed diagnosis. You’re struggling because of your doctor’s negligent actions and shouldn’t face additional consequences while attempting to recover.

Cancer misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis typically results from contributing factors such as:

  • Incorrectly staging the tumor
  • Misinterpreting the results of a biopsy
  • Failing to perform the appropriate diagnostic tests based on the symptoms
  • Changing ineffective treatment or medication for a diagnosed condition without considering other possible illnesses
  • Overlooking cancerous or precancerous cells from a specimen
  • Failing to recognize a patient’s increased risk of cancer during examinations
  • Detecting a mass but diagnosing it as noncancerous
  • Rushing to the wrong diagnosis because of the patient’s age, low-risk factors, or other information
  • Failing to review medical history, including any family member’s history with cancer

Screening and Diagnosing Cancer

 Diagnosing cancer as early as possible is critical to successfully treating or curing a patient. That means screening high-risk patients, reviewing family history, and performing diagnostic tests at the first sign of symptoms.

Depending on a person’s risk factors, such as age and gender, healthcare professionals can diagnose cancer with one or more of these methods:

  • X-ray
  • Laboratory tests
  • Biopsy
  • CT scan
  • Physical examination
  • MRI

Doctors must recommend additional testing if they discover a mass or abnormal cells. Without a prompt or adequate diagnosis, certain cancers can lead to a patient’s death. Many forms of cancer aren’t curable in late stages because they spread throughout the body and affect major organs. Every medical provider’s job is to explore all possible diagnoses while evaluating their patients.

Compensation for Cancer Misdiagnosis

You could file an insurance claim or lawsuit to recover compensation for the financial, emotional, and physical burdens of your cancer misdiagnosis. When you don’t start treatment early enough, you can experience various medical issues that cause additional complications.

The compensation you receive should compensate you for your cancer-related losses, such as:

  • Medical bills
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity

You might also be entitled to punitive or exemplary damages. They are available in multiple states, although some states don’t allow punitive damages in medical malpractice cases. This form of compensation punishes the defendant for their actions and deters similar behavior in the future. You must comply with state law while pursuing punitive damages by providing the specific evidence necessary to show the jury that you should receive this financial award.

You might be able to pursue a wrongful death case if your loved one died due to cancer misdiagnosis. Surviving family members or the representative of the deceased’s estate could file a wrongful death lawsuit for compensation for a range of losses, including:

  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Loss of consortium by a spouse
  • Lost wages and benefits the deceased can no longer provide to surviving family
  • Pain and suffering the deceased experienced between their diagnosis and death
  • Final medical bills and other expenses associated with the case

Cancer Settlement will review the facts and determine how much compensation you are entitled to. We know that no amount of money can change what happened, but we hope it will provide the economic relief you need to afford your incurred costs.

Contact Us

Since 2008, Cancer Settlement has represented clients harmed by the wrongdoing of healthcare professionals. We understand how traumatic this experience has been and the hardships you have endured. We will protect your rights and work hard to try to reach a favorable outcome in your medical malpractice case. You can depend on us to remain by your side during each step of the complicated process until the very end.

If your doctor misdiagnosed your cancer, call Cancer Settlement at 800-900-7704 for your free consultation. We are ready to secure the money owed to you so you can move forward with your life.